We will support you with our unique platform that allows the consultant to record their patient data in detail which can then be used to aid the patient. The professional will also be able to use our system as their online booking system with a difference. Our system is uniquely designed for Ayurveda and will compliment your consultations. We will also help with the aftercare of your patients so that they stay maintain the programme you set for them through diet and lifestyle aftercare. You will be able to set your patient up with a login so they can access the information relevant to your consultation. You will also have exclusive access to high quality Ayurvedic products for your clinic and a wealth of Ayurvedic information at your fingertips. To read more click here (links to Professionals – How it works:)


What we offer;

  1. Booking system – can be linked to your existing website
  2. Patient database
  3. Patient health records
  4. Online consultation forms
  5. Past consultation records
  6. Online ayurvedic diet lists linked to your patients account.
  7. Organic Ayurvedic products
  8. Free marketing of your clinic
  9. Patient aftercare
  10. Optional additional patient care such as yoga, meditation, pranayama
  11. And many more benefits, read below

At the same cost of most regular standard booking systems, we offer you a more dedicated ayurvedic system to meet all your clinic and patient needs.

Through our unique platform you can save time and improve patient care by letting TheAyurvedic.clinic manage your patient aftercare. Based on your 1 to 1 consultation with your patient, all dietary, lifestyle and treatment recommendations are linked to your patients account. You will have the freedom to edit the diet plans to give a more personalised diet, add or remove yoga practices and edit daily routines based on your diagnosis

Your patient will then be able to log in and keep track with their treatment plans, be advised on Yoga programmes (if selected), diet plans and lifestyle plans tailored to your patient’s imbalance according to recommendations from your consultation.

Your patient will have a higher chance of successfully following your advice if they have easy access to aftercare which does not take up any of your time. With every successful patient treated your clinics reputation will grow and prosper. Additionally, we will support the patient by offering relevant recipes, foods and basic ayurvedic products to help with their journey to health.

You can also save time and overheads by supplying high quality Ayurvedic products to your patients and we can either dispense directly to your patient without the need for you to hold inventory or if you prefer you can buy in bulk and we will deliver to your clinic. All our products are of high quality, organic and we guarantee our products are never past the expiry, counterfeit, stored incorrectly or containing heavy metals.

Within our platform you will also have access to our remedies database which will allow you to find relevant products that can be used to treat a specific disorder.

Our system also acts as both your online booking and filing systems. Here you can manage all your patient bookings; your patient can even log in and make bookings based on your availability – you will then be emailed with a booking confirmation. Patients will get reminder emails and texts about their appointments, so you do not have to worry about missed appointments.

All your filing needs are taken care of too – here all your patient consultation notes, initial and follow ups can be recorded and saved on our system and of course our online consultation forms are relevant to an ayurvedic consultation to make storing data easier.

We also market our website and therefore drive traffic and patients to www.theayurvedic.clinic who are looking for consultations – we therefore also help you grow your patient database!


Sign Up

Our pricing is very affordable also – from as little as £24.00 per month (less than the cost many practitioners charge for one patient consultation) see here for more pricing details click here.

Verify your credentials and you’ll be up and running in no time at all!


Set up your booking system

Simply upload you patient data, consultations data and you are set to go.


Start inviting your patients to use the system so they can get the full benefits of the patient aftercare.


Get Started Today!

Our pricing is very affordable also – from as little as £24.00 per month (less than the cost many practitioners charge for one patient consultation)

Verify your credentials and you’ll be up and running in no time at all!

Pay Monthly

Pay month by month
(regular rate)

£30.00/ month
  • Booking system – can be linked to your existing website
  • Patient database
  • Patient health records
  • Online consultation forms
  • Past consultation records
  • Online ayurvedic diet lists linked to your patient's account
  • Organic Ayurvedic products
  • Free marketing of your clinic
  • Patient aftercare
  • Optional additional patient care such as yoga, meditation, pranayama
  • And many more benefits, read below

Pay 6 Monthly

Pay every 6 months
(you ‘ll save 10% off the regular rate)

£27/ month (10% saving)
  • Booking system – can be linked to your existing website
  • Patient database
  • Patient health records
  • Online consultation forms
  • Past consultation records
  • Online ayurvedic diet lists linked to your patient's account
  • Organic Ayurvedic products
  • Free marketing of your clinic
  • Patient aftercare
  • Optional additional patient care such as yoga, meditation, pranayama
  • And many more benefits, read below

Pay 12 Monthly

Pay every 12 months (you ‘ll save a huge 20% off the regular rate)

£24/ month (20% saving)
  • Booking system – can be linked to your existing website
  • Patient database
  • Patient health records
  • Online consultation forms
  • Past consultation records
  • Online ayurvedic diet lists linked to your patient's account
  • Organic Ayurvedic products
  • Free marketing of your clinic
  • Patient aftercare
  • Optional additional patient care such as yoga, meditation, pranayama
  • And many more benefits, read below